League of Legends Prepare to Feed


Classic Classic Bullet Angel Bullet Angel

Kai'Sa has alternate quotes when she is wearing her helmet, some abilities trigger this transition.


First Move

  • "Here is where we make our stand. Do as I say, it's the only way if we want to live."
  • "This suit lives on me, it calls me home. We survive together."
  • "You know that feeling when your skin crawls? Like a thousand needles poking through every pore? Blood pounding through every vein? That's just an itch compared to what lives on me."
  • "The first time I returned from the Void, it was to save me. Now it's to save them."
  • "Stay with me, and we live."
  • "When memories fade and darkness surrounds you... find the strength inside."
  • "My appearance may frighten you, but make no mistake: I am on your side, and we fight to the bitter end."
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "Come with me if you wanna live."
First Move with Ally or Enemy Kassadin Kassadin
  • "Huh... memories of my father come at the strangest moments."
  • "Reunions can be so bittersweet."
  • "Could it... be true?"
  • "It smells like home here."
  • "Father?"
First Move with Ally or Enemy Void creature
  • "The Void has breached this place."
  • "The first wave is upon us."
  • "These creatures seek the living... even here."
  • "That smell... unmistakable... the Void.


  • "I came for the hunt... but I'll stay for the fruit."
  • "I like it here, I just might stay."
  • "This skin lives on me, and hunts with me."
  • "Feed the beast... or be its meal."
  • "I was spared for a reason."
  • "Forgiveness is hard, but so very worth it."
  • "I return stronger than I left."
  • "Exploit their weakness."
  • "A moving target lives longer."
  • "I can make a difference here."
  • "I will make a difference here."
  • "This place is beautiful, I'm going to save it."
  • "This skin is fashioned for survival, and honed by instinct."
  • "It's a good day for a hunt."
  • "I came back for the others who could not."
  • "Hold our ground, attack them in theirs."
  • "Void rule number one, don't die."
  • "Exploit their mistakes."
  • "Survival means never stopping, the Void knows that too."
  • "This suit hunts in the manner I choose."
  • "It's fight or flight, only now I do not run."
  • "Stay alert, stay aggressive."
  • "This world is changing... we decide into what."
  • "Monsters are everywhere."
  • "Ah, trees... How I missed them."
  • "Danger is real, fear is an illusion."
  • "Imagine a place where it's always night and you're holding faith for a dawn that never comes. I don't have to imagine. I've been there."
  • "The skin grows restless... it needs to feed. If it doesn't, could I be next?"
  • "Anger is useless to me, a wound that will only continue to fester."
  • "I am the antidote, for the rivers of poison flowing beneath us all."
  • "I kill so they don't die!"
  • "I am not afraid!"
  • "I'll be your monster!"
  • "Power, not hate."
  • "Hit and move!"
  • "I survived the Void, but here is where my story has its best ending."
  • "Get up, stand firm, strike hard."
  • "I won't back down!"
  • "The Void will not consume me, but I must act or the others will not be as lucky."
  • "The hunt is on!"
  • "I can make a difference here."
  • "Strike hard!"
  • "Just for you!"
  • "You're nothing."
  • "One mistake is all it takes."
  • "When I was a child I was frightened of what lurked in the dark. How silly I was. Now, I call it home."
  • "This is why I came back!"
  • "Tell yourself you will live. Believe it, Kai'Sa, and you will have a chance."
  • "Love... fear... whatever it's called, it's survival that motivates everyone."
  • "I can rid them of these monsters, but who will save them from themselves?"
  • "Let go of the anger. It does not serve."
  • "Fear the Void's sting!"
  • "Come on, come on."
  • "This is why I survived!"
  • "Thick skin always wins!"
  • "I'm back!"
  • "This place is too beautiful to be decimated by the Void."
  • "My turn!"
  • "Back in your hole!"
  • "Only a child, and no one came to save me."
  • "I won't quit!"
  • "Ahh, a cold breeze. I remember these. Reminds me of home."
  • "Maybe someday they will come to accept me. For now, they will need me."
  • "The Void consumes everything, leaving only emptiness in its wake."
  • "My skin is crawling... the needles... the itch... time to hunt."
  • "Fear me!"
  • "It's fight or flight, only now I do not run."
  • "This skin taught me how to survive. I will show it how to live."
  • "Look closely, and your prey will show you how to kill it."
  • "The monsters are coming. We'll be ready. I'll make sure of it."
  • "Survival is an instinct we all have."
  • "I'll be back for more."
  • "You're the hunted."
  • "I wield the abyss!"
  • "Found your weakness!"
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "Primary directive: kill."
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "Secondary directive: maim."
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "Tertiary directive: peaches."
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "The hunt is binary, kill or be killed."
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "The hunting ground has changed... but the hunt is the same."
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "Like magnets, we are drawn to each other to do battle."
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "Just the beginning."
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "So this is what was before technology won? M'okay."
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "You don't know what you're doing."
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "I'm right here!"
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "This second skin gave me a second life. I will not take it for granted."
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "Metal on metal. Let's get loud!"
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "You're the prey!"
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "Oh, how I like a fair fight."
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "You realize we should be on the same side?"
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "I survived the Void. I refuse to let death in. I refuse to accept it as my fate."
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "They need to listen to me. Then they would see that I can show them a better way."
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "Attack!"
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "My carbon fiber exoskeleton is invulnerable to micro-meteorites, re-entry, and the vacuum of space. It has but one flaw: it can be a tad itchy."
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "Come on, let's go!"
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "Human or machine? Make up your mind."
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "Some recoil at the sight of me. Underneath the shell, would they see I'm just like them."
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "Kill!"
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "Fire!"
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "My suit AI will continue to learn with every kill... but it still could use a little extra battery life."
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "Hextech is a dead technology."
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "Fight hard. You are a living weapon."
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "Deploy!"
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "Technology doesn't evolve; it upgrades."
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "This skin is fashioned for survival, and honed by instinct."
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "Life and death are separated by the smallest stumble."
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "Engage!"
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "They have found me here. Let's settle this."
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "Time for an upgrade, rusty."
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "Wow, time for an upgrade."
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "Time to pit steel against steel."
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe, attack ships on fire on the shoulders of Or - ...Are those peaches?"
  • Kai'Sa BulletAngelCircle.png "Let's see what you're made of!"


  • Kai'Sa snarls.
  • Kai'Sa snarls.
  • Kai'Sa snarls.


Kai'Sa kneels while a frog gets sucked into her shoulder pod, then gets ejected as a corrupted frog.
  • "Huh? *gasps, then grunts* ...huh?"


  • Kai'Sa laughs.



  • "My suit hungers."
  • "Foolish quarry!"
  • "Kai'Sa, remember the name."
  • "This is my purpose, learn from me."
  • Kai'Sa grunts.
  • Kai'Sa grunts.
  • Kai'Sa grunts.
Attacking Jax Jax
  • "A lamp's not gonna do it, Jax."
  • "I guess I'm next, Jax."
Attacking Jinx Jinx
  • "Settle down, sister."
  • "You want crazy?"
  • "You talk too much."
Attacking Kassadin Kassadin
  • "Have we met?"
  • "You seem familiar."
  • "Something is off here."
Attacking Kha'Zix Kha'Zix
  • "I know your tricks."
  • "Don't test me."
  • "You will leave this place."
Attacking Kog'Maw Kog'Maw
  • "What are you?"
  • "Not on my watch, glutton."
  • "Vile creature..."
Attacking Malzahar Malzahar
  • "Looking for me?"
  • "Let's set the story straight."
Attacking Miss Fortune Miss Fortune
  • "You call those guns?"
  • "You're outgunned."
  • "Step back, red."
Attacking a Void creature
  • "This is my home, Void-spawn!"
  • "You must be lost, creature..."
  • "Not here, friend."
  • "Die, trespasser."
  • "I am not afraid anymore."
  • "Go back, 'Voidling'!"
  • "This is my home, Void-spawn."
  • "This is not the Void!"
  • "You will die here, creature."
  • "Come on, come on!"
Attacking Baron Nashor Baron Nashor
  • "You don't belong here."

Ability Casting

Using Icathian Rain Icathian Rain

  • Kai'Sa grunts.
  • Kai'Sa grunts.
  • Kai'Sa grunts.
  • Kai'Sa grunts.
Evolving Icathian Rain Icathian Rain
  • "They're in trouble now."
  • Kai'Sa gasps.
  • Kai'Sa gasps.
  • Kai'Sa groans.
  • Kai'Sa groans.

Using Void Seeker Void Seeker

Evolving Void Seeker Void Seeker
  • "They have nowhere to hide now."
  • Kai'Sa gasps.
  • Kai'Sa gasps.
  • Kai'Sa grunts and yells.
  • Kai'Sa grunts and yells.
Upon missing with Void Seeker Void Seeker
  • "Ahh..."
  • "Agh, clumsy girl."
  • "Close doesn't count."
  • "Do better next time, Kai'Sa."
  • "That was pointless."
  • "They got lucky."
  • "Dammit! Dammit!!"
  • "Damn it! Take your time, Kai'Sa."
Upon landing Void Seeker Void Seeker
  • "I knew it."
  • "Prepare for what's next."
  • "Walked into that one."
  • "They can't get away."
  • "Gotcha!"
  • "Yes!"
  • "Marked by the Void."
  • "Found you."
  • "You're all mine."
  • "Tag."
  • "Mmm-hmm."
  • "Too slow."
  • "Perfect!"
  • "I am good."
  • "That was easy."
  • "Running is only half a plan."
  • "That'll leave a mark."
  • "Nice!"
  • "Prey marked."
  • "I see you."
  • "Revealed."
  • "Got one!"
  • "They never saw it coming."
  • "They'll think twice next time."
  • "They can run, but they can't hide."
  • "Yes!"
Upon killing with Void Seeker Void Seeker
  • "The Void's reach is long."
  • "Too late to run!"
  • "Only I can escape the Void."
  • "You can't outrun the Void."
  • "Coward!"
  • "I'll take that."
  • "They were so close."
  • "Almost made it!"

Using Supercharge Supercharge

(Helmet is active for the duration)

  • Kai'Sa hyperventilates.
  • Kai'Sa hyperventilates.
  • Kai'Sa hyperventilates.
  • Kai'Sa hyperventilates.
Evolving Supercharge Supercharge
  • "Yes! Quickness kills."
  • Kai'Sa groans.
  • Kai'Sa grunts and groans.
  • Kai'Sa grunts and yells.
  • Kai'Sa groans.

Using Killer Instinct Killer Instinct

(Helmet is active for 8 seconds)
  • Kai'Sa grunts.
  • Kai'Sa grunts.
  • Kai'Sa grunts.

Kills and Objectives

Killing a Champion
Kai'Sa says each of these quotes based on the number of kills she has.
  • "That's one."
  • "Two down."
  • "That's three."
  • "And four."
  • "That's five."
  • "Yes! Six."
  • "Seven."
  • "Eight kills."
  • "Nine lives taken."
  • "Ten down."
  • "Eleven."
  • "That's a dozen for me."
  • "Thirteen, unlucky for them."
  • "Fourteen."
  • "Fifteen, and counting."
  • "Sixteen."
  • "And seventeen. Wow."
  • "Eighteen."
  • "Uh-huh, nineteen."
  • "Twenty! Yeaaah!"
  • "Twenty-one!"
  • "Twenty-two! That's a lot."
  • "Twenty-three."
  • "Twenty-four... heh, I can't even."
  • "Twenty-five, come at me!"
  • "I'm done counting."
Killing Malzahar Malzahar
  • "I forgive you, Malzahar... but I do not forget."
  • "You're now dead, prophet, that is the truth that will be told."
  • "Goodbye, Malzahar, now I will tell this tale."
Scoring a Multikill
  • "This is why they need me."
  • "Will they now see? I can do this."
  • "For you! For us!"
Destroying a Turret icon.png Turret
  • "Yes! We did it."
  • "That's just the start."
  • "That sent a message."

Other Gameplay

Using Honeyfruit Honeyfruit
  • "Mmm!"
  • "Sometimes you have to stop and taste the fruit."
  • "Not peaches... but... they'll do."
  • "Ohh, how I missed these."
  • "What a pleasant surprise."
  • "Sometimes you have to stop and taste the... Honeyfruit?"
Placing a Ward icon.png Ward
  • "Let them come to us."
  • "Vision can make all the difference."
  • "They will come, we'll be ready."
Being healed by Controller icon.png Controller
  • "All better now"
  • "Ah, that works."
  • "Thanks for that."
  • "I won't forget this."
  • "I'll take it."
  • "I needed that."
  • "That is just what I needed."
  • "Ahh, that's much better."
Being shielded by Support icon.png Support
  • "Yes! Teamwork!"
  • "Nice work."
  • "Thanks."
  • "Alright."
  • "Whew."
  • "Whew, that was close."
  • "We're stronger together."
  • "You are awesome."
  • "Thanks."
  • "Nice reflexes."
  • "Whoa! Nice!."
Support icon.png Support Recalls
  • "Don't be long, we're stronger together."
  • "Don't worry, I will fight alone. I've done it before."
  • "I'll stand our ground while you're away."
Seeing Baron Nashor Baron Nashor spawn
  • "Look what just crawled from underneath."
Pinging "Enemy Missing"
  • "They're hiding."
  • "Don't be fooled."
  • "It's a trap. Be ready."

Recall Recall

  • "I need to gather my strength."
  • "That's enough for the moment, the hunt will resume."
  • Kai'Sa KDACircle.png Kai'Sa dances to an instrumental version of "POP/STARS".
  • Kai'Sa ArcadeCircle.png Kai'Sa plays a "beat 'em up" game and dances after winning.


  • Kai'Sa screams.
  • "In the Void I had no one. I was a doomed outsider. Here, people are everywhere, and they are all mine."
  • "Some call me 'monster,' they have no idea what lurks just below us all."
  • "The Void is not so much a place ‒ it is a power, reaching out to consume all life.
  • "The Void-spawn offer a thousand ways to die, and one way to live: become like them."
  • "The things we carry should lift us up, not weigh us down. Memories, love, and hope are the lightest necessities."
  • "The yoke of fear is a heavy burden. Hunters must be nimble, and walk lightly."
  • "I grew up deep inside a vast emptiness, I do not wish to grow old in one. That is why we must fight."
  • "Down there, I was surrounded by nothingness... but I was never alone. Memories comfort like the closest companion."

Sound Effects

  • Sound effect.
  • Sound effect.
  • Sound effect.
  • Sound effect.
  • Sound effect.
  • Sound effect.
  • Sound effect.
  • Sound effect.
  • Sound effect.
  • Sound effect.
  • Sound effect.
  • Sound effect.
  • Sound effect.



First Move

  • "All right, team. No distractions, no mistakes."
  • "It's not often I leave the city. This is nice. Can't let anyone ruin it."
  • "Hang tight, Ina. What we're facing hits hard. Let's hit harder!"
  • "I'm here, I'm ready."
    • Ina squeaks.
      • "And so is Ina!"
  • "Ina, looks like we've got company. I aim, you shoot."
    • Ina squeaks.
First Move with Ally Star Guardian Akali Star Guardian Akali
  • "Akali, I know I've been… distant, but trust me. We'll get through this. Together."
First Move with an Ally New Horizon profileicon.png Star Guardian
  • "The Star Guardians are no longer a secret. So let's show them who we really are!"
  • "Guardians! With me!"


  • "The mission comes first."
  • "There's still time to make this right."
  • "I'm not alone, I'm not afraid."
  • "I still believe in the First Light."
  • "I fight, so others can burn brighter."
  • "It's a good day to save the world."
  • "They wanna fight? I'll give 'em a fight!"
  • "Growing up means making your own hope."
  • "Eyes on the horizon."
  • "We Guardians, face our fears."
  • Ina squeaks.
  • "An oath is more than just words. It's a promise."
  • "Hanging in there, Ina?"
    • Ina squeaks.
      • "Good!"
  • "Push forward, never waver!"
  • "Star Guardian Rule #1: never give up."
  • "Friends, family – they're all the reason I need."
  • "I will make a difference here. I have to."
  • "Together, stars light the universe."
  • "The darkness was beaten once. It can't be again."

Long Move

  • "Just a teenage girl with a magical bunny shooting starlight. Nothing new."
  • "Being a Star Guardian, I get to have my wish. The others who don't, I fight for them."
  • "The more evil we stop, the more people we save. Whatever the cost, it's worth it."
  • "Ahri, Lux, and so many others… they paved the way. Their legacy lives in me."
  • "As a leader, everyone sees everything I do. Time to prove why the First Star chose me."
  • "This power… it isn't just to fight darkness. It's to protect those I love."
  • "Ugh… what a mess. Don't tell dad, he's… got a lot going on."

First Encounter

First Encounter with Star Guardian Ahri Star Guardian Ahri
  • "Ahri! The real Ahri! Let me show you I can lead!"
First Encounter with Star Guardian Akali Star Guardian Akali
  • "Akali, please! Listen to me. You're better than this."
First Encounter with Star Guardian Ekko Star Guardian Ekko
  • "Losing a friend… I'm sorry, Ekko. I wouldn't wish it on anyone."
First Encounter with Star Guardian Ezreal Star Guardian Ezreal
  • "Ezreal, keep that charm of yours… to yourself."
First Encounter with Star Nemesis Fiddlesticks Star Nemesis Fiddlesticks
  • "What happened? How? I-I have to stop this!"
First Encounter with Star Guardian Janna Star Guardian Janna
  • "Fine, Janna, I'll beat that wisdom out of you!"
First Encounter with Star Guardian Jinx Star Guardian Jinx
  • "I know you care, Jinx. Lux told me. Why hide it?"
First Encounter with Star Guardian Lulu Star Guardian Lulu
  • "Lulu, your starlight is special. Let it shine!"
First Encounter with Star Guardian Lux Star Guardian Lux
  • "Lux, I saw you vanquished the Twilight Star! Are you testing me?"
First Encounter with Star Guardian Miss Fortune Star Guardian Miss Fortune
  • "Vengeance won't end well, Sarah. You know this."
First Encounter with Star Nemesis Morgana Star Nemesis Morgana
  • "Leave my friends alone, Morgana! It's you and me!"
First Encounter with Star Guardian Neeko Star Guardian Neeko
  • "Neeko?! You're alive! I have so many questions! How's the frog?"
First Encounter with Star Guardian Nilah Star Guardian Nilah
  • "Nilah, is this how you plan to help us? Fine by me."
First Encounter with Star Guardian Poppy Star Guardian Poppy
  • "If I win, Poppy, know that you're a hero."
First Encounter with Star Guardian Quinn Star Guardian Quinn
  • "Quinn, you've got to let it go. We're Guardians now."
First Encounter with Star Guardian Rakan Star Guardian Rakan
  • "There's hope in you still, Rakan. I know there is."
First Encounter with Star Guardian Rell Star Guardian Rell
  • "Pain and anger, Rell, there can be strength too! Show me."
First Encounter with Star Guardian Sona Star Guardian Sona
  • "Sona, good to see you out and about! Play me a tune."
First Encounter with Star Guardian Soraka Star Guardian Soraka
  • "Soraka, don't be afraid to use your starlight for good."
First Encounter with Star Guardian Syndra Star Guardian Syndra
  • "What's your end game, Syndra? Tell me!"
First Encounter with Star Guardian Taliyah Star Guardian Taliyah
  • "Taliyah, I know it's a lot, but we don't have to fight. Let me help."
First Encounter with Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot
  • "Urgot, whyyyyy?"
First Encounter with Star Guardian Xayah Star Guardian Xayah
  • "Xayah, you'll leave us behind, but you won't leave Rakan. Admit it!"
First Encounter with Star Guardian Zoe Star Guardian Zoe
  • "It's you. The Twilight Star! Your chaos ends here, now and forever!"
First Encounter with a Galaxies 2020 profileicon.png Dark Star
  • "A Dark Star? The end? What do you mean?"
First Encounter with a New Horizon profileicon.png Pajama Guardian
  • "All right, you had you fun. Now wake up!"


  • "Each gem a Guardian. No matter what, we fight together."
Taunt Response
  • Ina squeaks.
    • "Oh, come on, Ina! That wasn't scary at all!"


  • "Remember to croak the oath!"
Joke Response
  • Ina laughs.
    • Well, at least Ina found that funny.


  • Kai'Sa laughs.


Basic Attacking

  • Kai'Sa grunts.
  • Kai'Sa grunts.
  • Kai'Sa grunts.
  • Kai'Sa grunts.


  • "Got a death wish?"
  • "For the First Light!"
  • "It's the only way!"
  • "I never liked you!"
  • "This means war!"
  • "I won't fail!"
  • "I've trained for this!"
  • "Ina's not a fan!"
  • "I won't just stand by."
  • "Blast 'em!"
  • "You're not stopping me!"
  • "No more darkness!"
  • "Eat starlight!"
  • "Now!"
  • "No can do!"
  • "Hit 'em hard!"
  • "Get 'em, Ina!"
  • "They're counting on me!"
Attacking Baron Nashor Baron Nashor
  • "This is what becomes of darkness! I will end you, Baron!"
Attacking Dragon Dragon
  • "You're in your element, Dragon. But so am I."

Ability Casting

Using Second Skin Second Skin

Using empowered attack
  • Kai'Sa grunts.
  • Kai'Sa grunts.

Using Icathian Rain Icathian Rain

  • Kai'Sa grunts.
  • Kai'Sa grunts.
  • Kai'Sa grunts.
  • Kai'Sa grunts.

Using Void Seeker Void Seeker

  • "Come on, come on!"
  • "Where are you?"
  • "I'll get you!"
  • Kai'Sa grunts.
  • Kai'Sa grunts.
Upon missing with Void Seeker Void Seeker
  • "Close!"
  • "Urgh!"
  • "Damn!"
Upon landing Void Seeker Void Seeker
  • "Marked!"
  • "There you are!"
  • "On target!"
Upon killing with Void Seeker Void Seeker
  • "Perfect!"
  • "Stay down!"
  • "Sniped!"

Using Supercharge Supercharge

  • Kai'Sa hyperventilates.
  • Kai'Sa hyperventilates.
  • Kai'Sa exhales.
  • Kai'Sa exhales.

Using Killer Instinct Killer Instinct

  • "For the fallen!"
  • "Starlight, on me!"

Kills and Objectives

Killing a Champion
  • "Had to be done."
  • "No time to rest."
  • "Onto the next one!"
  • "More will come."
  • "Not pretty, but I'll take it."
  • "It never gets easier."
  • "Nice. Another down."
Killing Star Guardian Akali Star Guardian Akali
  • "Akali, nooo! It wasn't supposed to be like this!"
Killing Star Nemesis Fiddlesticks Star Nemesis Fiddlesticks
  • "No… No no no no no… That can't be. You can't be!"
Killing Star Nemesis Morgana Star Nemesis Morgana
  • "It's over, Morgana! You're done!"
Killing Star Guardian Rakan Star Guardian Rakan
  • "I had no idea! I'll find Xayah, right away."
Killing Star Guardian Syndra Star Guardian Syndra
  • "Syndra, how could you betray us?"
Killing Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot
  • "But still, Urgot… whyyyyy?"
Killing Star Guardian Xayah Star Guardian Xayah
  • "Rakan still believed in you. He always did."
Killing Star Guardian Zoe Star Guardian Zoe
  • "Zoe, even if our fate is sealed, you won't ruin it."
Killing a Galaxies 2020 profileicon.png Dark Star
  • "A nightmare. Nothing more."
Killing a New Horizon profileicon.png Pajama Guardian
  • "Well, I had to wake you up somehow!"
Killing a New Horizon profileicon.png Star Guardian
  • "I'm so sorry. The darkness… I had to stop it!"
Destroying a Turret icon.png Turret
  • "Keep up the pressure! We're doing well."
  • "Press on. Fight's not over."
Scoring First Blood
  • "We're off to a good start, Ina!"
    • Ina squeaks.
Getting the 5th kill
  • "Five kills! Not bad."
Getting the 10th kill
  • "Ten kills! I'm good."
Getting the 15th kill
  • "Fifteen! Impressive."
Getting the 20th kill
  • "Twenty! I should stop counting."
Scoring a Pentakill
  • "Test me again, I dare you!"

Other Gameplay

Pinging "Assist Me"
  • "Where's my backup?"
Pinging "Danger"
  • "Careful! Regroup!"
Pinging "Enemy Missing"
  • "Eyes up!"
Pinging "On My Way"
  • "Be right there!"
Receiving a shield or heal
  • "All right, let's go!"
  • "Thanks! Needed that."
  • "Much better!"
Using Honeyfruit Honeyfruit
  • "Look, honeyfruit! Your favorite."
    • Ina squeaks.
  • Ina squeaks.
    • "I bet it's not as good as peach boba."
  • Ina squeaks.
    • "Slow down! Save some for me."

Recall Recall

  • A shortened version of Star Guardian 2022's orchestral theme plays.
  • "Is that really them? I should go. I'll be back."
  • "Destiny is a funny thing. Somehow it always finds you."
  • "The other stars, they're calling to me. Let's move."


  • "Akali… I still…"
  • "Ugh…"
  • "Take care of this…"
  • "I don't feel too good…"
  • Ina squeaks.
    • "Thanks, Ina. I knew I could count on you."
  • "That's how I learn. Better get it right this time."
  • "It hurts more than I expected. But I'm the leader, I can't back down."


Source: https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Kai%27Sa/LoL/Audio

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