How Long Must I Wait After 50ft Dive to Dive Again?

When flying afterward diving, the ascent to altitude increases the risk of decompression sickness (DCS) considering of the additional reduction in atmospheric pressure. The college the distance, the greater the risk.

Cruising cabin pressure in commercial aircraft is normally maintained at a constant value regardless of the actual altitude of the flight. The equivalent effective cabin altitude mostly ranges from 6,000 to 8,000 feet, though information technology varies somewhat with aircraft blazon. The maximum value is eight,000 feet, which equates to almost 0.75 atmospheres absolute (ATA).

DAN-Funded Research at Duke Academy Medical Center

Because there was little human experimental data that was relevant to commercial flying later on recreational diving, DAN funded a serial of trials at the Duke Academy Centre for Hyperbaric Medicine and Ecology Physiology. From 1992 to 1999, dry, resting volunteers tested nine single and repetitive dive profiles that were near the recreational diving no-decompression limits. The divers and so had four-hour simulated flights at viii,000 feet (two,438 meters).

In 802 trials, at that place were 40 DCS incidents during or after flight. For single no-stop dives to threescore fsw (18 msw) or deeper, in that location were no cases of DCS with surface intervals of 11 hours or longer. For repetitive, no-stop dives, DCS occurred with surface intervals shorter than 17 hours.

The 2002 DAN Flying After Recreational Diving Workshop

In 2002, DAN hosted a one-day workshop to review what was known about flight after diving and discuss the need for new flying-subsequently-diving (FAD) guidelines in recreational diving. Representatives from the recreational diving industry and experts from other diving communities had two goals:

  • To review the guidelines and experimental data developed since the beginning flight-after-diving workshop in 1989
  • To achieve a consensus for new flight-later-recreational-diving guidelines

The previous consensus was to wait 12 hours afterwards a single no-cease dive, 24 hours after multiday repetitive dives and 48 hours after dives that required decompression stops. In response to some participants viewing this consensus every bit also conservative, DAN proposed a simpler 24-60 minutes look after all recreational diving. Objections to DAN's proposal were that DCS risks of FAD were too depression to warrant such a long delay.

The Consensus Process

The workshop participants endeavored to accomplish consensus concerning:

  • Whether flying-after-diving guidelines were necessary for recreational diving
  • Whether the current guidelines were adequate
  • What the longest-duration guideline might exist
  • If shorter guidelines were appropriate for brusk dives

The participants determined that guidelines were needed, and the available evidence demonstrated that existing guidelines were inadequate. Subsequently some debate, the participants agreed that unless they could rely on dive computers, written guidelines for recreational diving should be elementary and unambiguous, without the demand for reference to tables as the U.S. Navy procedures required. They considered three groups of defined:

  • Uncertified people who took part in an introductory scuba experience
  • Certified divers who made an unlimited number of no-decompression air or nitrox dives over multiple days
  • Technical divers who made decompression dives or used helium breathing mixes

Provisional Flying-After-Diving Guidelines

The following recommendations for recreational divers represent the consensus reached by attendees at the 2002 Flight Subsequently Recreational Diving Workshop. The attendees created the recommendations based on earlier published work and experimental trials. They apply to air dives followed by flights at cabin altitudes of two,000 to 8,000 feet (610 to two,438 meters) for divers who practice not have symptoms of DCS.

The recommendations should reduce the DCS risk associated with flying subsequently diving simply do not guarantee abstention of DCS. Preflight surface intervals longer than the recommendations will further reduce DCS risk.

Dives Within No-Decompression Limits

  • For a single no-decompression dive, the recommendation is a minimum preflight surface interval of 12 hours.
  • For multiple dives per twenty-four hour period or multiple days of diving, the recommendation is a minimum preflight surface interval of 18 hours.

Dives Requiring Decompression Stops

At that place is little experimental or published evidence on which to base a recommendation for decompression dives. A preflight surface interval essentially longer than eighteen hours appears prudent.

Flying with DCS Symptoms

The workshop attendees reviewed recent FAD trials and available field information regarding flying after diving and flying with DCS symptoms and identified potentially of import differences between field and chamber studies. Diving in the field involved immersion, practise and multiple days of diving, while the chamber trials occurred on a single day with dry, resting divers. The sleeping accommodation trials may not accept adequately imitation flying after diving.

It is more common for defined to fly with DCS symptoms than to develop symptoms during or after a flying. Flying with symptoms may be a greater health problem than symptoms that arise during or after a flight. Divers should seek medical advice and avoid flying if they note signs or symptoms that may indicate DCS.


The workshop proceedings stressed that because the experimental trials described in the workshop used a dry hyperbaric chamber with resting volunteers, the guidelines might need to exist longer for divers who were immersed and exercising.

The participants determined that the effects of practise and immersion on preflight surface intervals would need an experimental study. Additional studies have occurred and results are awaiting publication.

Additional Resources

Download the complete Flying Afterwards Recreational Diving Workshop proceedings in our Publication Library.


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